By Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MC Nutrition, Fitness and Health

Preventative medicine should be the main approach to health care in any society. And the hero is water. Water is the primary substance and the leading agent in the functions that take place in the human body. The lack of water in physiological situations will eventually become disease conditions. This article describes the benefits of drinking water.

The truth is that dehydration can cause diseases like asthma , hypertension , ulcers , allergies and arthritis . Everyone knows that water is good for the body but not how essential water is to well-being. They don’t understand what happens to the body if it doesn't receive its daily water requirements.

The solution for the prevention and treatment of dehydration-produced diseases is regular water intake, because the conditions mentioned are a product of this lack. Daily intake of adequate water improves health.

Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the flow of water. Water management is the only way of making sure that needed amounts of water and its nutrients first reach the more vital organs that have to confront and deal with stress.

Water for the Brain

Within these water rationing systems in the body, the brain function takes priority over all other systems. The brain is 1/50th of total body weight but receives 18-20 per cent of blood circulation. When the body’s water regulation systems become more active, they also give their own alarm signals to show that the area in question is short of water. It’s much like the radiator of a car giving off steam when the cooling system is not adequate for the uphill drive.

Advanced societies think that tea, coffee, alcohol and manufactured beverages are desirable substitutes for the purely natural water needs of a stressed body. This is false. These beverages contain dehydrating agents. They get rid of the water they are dissolved in plus more from the body’s reserves!

Modern lifestyles make people dependent on soda and juices. This is a self-imposed restriction on the body’s needs. At the same time, a cultivated preference for the taste of soda will reduce the free urge to drink water even when sodas are not available.

Currently, the practitioners of medicine are unaware of the many chemical roles of water in the body. Because dehydration eventually causes loss of functions, the sophisticated signals given by water-regulating systems have been translated as indicators of unknown disease conditions. This is the most basic mistake of clinical medicine. It has prevented medical practitioners from being able to use preventative measures or offer simple physiological cures for major diseases.

With these signals the body should normally be provided with water for our systems to distribute. However, medical practitioners have been taught to silence these signals with chemical products. They have little understanding of the significance of this error.

The various signals produced by these water distributors are indicators of “regional thirst” and drought of the body. At the onset, they can be relieved by an increased intake of water, yet they are improperly dealt with by the use of commercial chemical products until pathology is established and diseases are born. This sometimes continues until the use of more chemicals to treat other developing symptoms and indications of dehydration becomes unavoidable and the patient dies!

The Error in Medicine

The human body is 25 per cent solid matter and 75 per cent water. The brain tissue is about 85 per cent water. When the phase of inquiry into the workings of the body began, the scientific parameters and a very broad knowledge of chemistry had already been established. The idea developed within the science of chemistry applied exactly to the body’s solute composition.

All applied medical research has been directed toward identification of one particular substance responsible for causing a disease. Therefore, all the possible fluctuations of essential changes are tested without a cure for any disease. Accordingly all treatments are palliative. None seems to be curative.

Hypertension is not cured, but treated throughout a lifetime. Asthma is not cured; inhalers are the constant companion of the afflicted. Peptic ulcers are not cured; antacids have to be nearby all the time. Allergy is not cured; the victim is always dependent on medication. Arthritis is not cured; it eventually cripples.

The Dry Mouth

It has become a practice to regard the dry mouth as the only sign of the body’s need for water. This is an erroneous and confusing view in medicine, responsible for the lack of success in finding permanent preventive solutions to disease in the body, despite costly research. I’ve treated more than 3,000 peptic ulcer sufferers with water alone and discovered for the first time in medicine that this classical disease of the body responds to water. It is a state of thirst in the body.

Silencing the different signals of water shortages in the body with chemicals is detrimental to health and well-being. The established chronic dehydration inflicts permanent damage on that person’s descendants as well.

Under the same environmental and clinical settings, other “disease” conditions seemed to respond to water by itself. The body has a variety of sophisticated, integrated signal systems which regulate the body’s water supply during dehydration.

The dry mouth thirst signal is the last outward sign of extreme dehydration. The damage occurs at a level of persistent dehydration that does not necessarily accompany a dry mouth signal. To facilitate the act of chewing and swallowing food, saliva is produced even if the rest of the body is dehydrated.

Chronic dehydration of the body means persistent water shortage that has been established for some time.

Like any other deficiency, such as vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, vitamin B in beri-beri, iron in anemia, and vitamin D in rickets, the most efficient method of treatment is supplementation. If we begin to recognize the symptoms of chronic dehydration, the prevention and cure of a large number of disease conditions becomes possible.

How to Get Hydrated

As soon as you wake up, drink one to four eight-ounce glasses of room-temperature or slightly heated water through a straw. If you drink water from a glass or a bottle, you consume mostly air and feel bloated from all the air in your stomach. When you drink through a straw, you consume 95 percent water. You can drink four times as much before you feel full.

Add two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice to your water three times a day: upon rising, mid-afternoon, and in your final water intake in the evening. The juice will help alkalize your body and neutralize acids created from digesting certain foods or normal cellular metabolism.

One-half hour before each of your three meals drink one to two, eight-ounce glasses of water through a straw. If you do not have enough water in your stomach, digestion is impaired. Also, if the blood becomes too thick after eating because of lack of water, the blood will try to draw water from the cells. Water intake should precede food intake by half an hour. (Unfortunately, coffee, soft drinks, beer and regular tea do not count as daily water needs. Fruit and veggie juices do!)


If you exercise or work hard and sweat in hot weather, add four eight-ounce glasses of water per hour of strenuous exercise or work.

Never drink while you are eating. The liquid flushes through the stomach quickly into the small intestine. It will dilute and drain some of the digestive juices out of the stomach. This spells stress, as the body must secrete more digestive enzymes. If you continue to consume liquid while you eat, your body’s signals get confused. The stomach says, “Quick, there are no enzymes. Secrete more,” The body says, “What’s wrong? Just sent some!”

We all know in economics what happens with a big demand and a small supply—economic upheaval. The body experiences a similar upheaval—of the digestive kind.

Wait at least two hours after any meal, especially supper, to consume your last water of the evening. Fresh fruit juices or vegetable juices count as a glass of water, as do unsweetened herbal teas.

Wherever you go, carry a full water container with a secure lid and a straw. Get into the habit of continually drinking from your container throughout the day to stay pre-hydrated. If you consume lots of water-rich fresh fruits and vegetables, they will easily provide you with two or three eight-ounce glasses.

Increase your water intake gradually, by adding only one eight-ounce glass of water on each successive or second day. Increasing water intake too quickly can overwork your kidneys and digestive system. Increase by gradual increments to reach full hydration.

If you have kidney disease, congestive heart disease or use a diuretic, consult a health-care professional before increasing your water intake.

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